Quick Start Guide

In this article, we will be going over how to quickly get started with Firecape.

Connect your Walmart store so we can handle all of the management

To connect your Walmart store to Firecape, you will need your Walmart store name, client ID and client secret.

1. Go to this link and log in to your Walmart Seller Account: https://developer.walmart.com/v1/login?clientType=seller.

2. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret into Firecape and click finish.

You will also need to enter the name of your Walmart store. This should match the name of the store in Walmart but doesn't have to be exact. It is not case sensitive and this is just used as a way for you to identify the store inside of Firecape.

How to list your first product

1. Click on the "Create Listing" button to add your first product on Firecape.

2. Once you click on "Create Listing" you will be able to input the Walmart URL and the Vendor URL.

3. We will bring back the listings, the price on their appropriate channels, and if it is currently in stock. You will be able to adjust the initial price on Walmart and the purchase quantity. The purchase quantity is the quantity you need to set to fulfill the order on Walmart. For example, If the product is a 2 pack on Walmart and in your vendor it's only a 1 pack, you would input purchase quantity 2 so you know you need to order 2 on your vendors' side to fulfill the order quantity on Walmart. Once you create the listing Firecape will begin to manage stock levels and supplier price changes.

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