How to create a repricer strategy
Firecape uses an AI powered repricer to ensure you stay competitive in all of your listings and so you can win more buy boxes. We will go over how you can create a custom repricing strategy that better suits your needs.
In your dashboard hover over to the repricer section, here you will be able to view some of the repricing strategies already created and set one as your default strategy by clicking the "Flash" icon.
Click on the "Create Strategy" button to create a new custom strategy.
Field definitions:
- Name - the name of your strategy
- Price Adjustment - the adjustment that you want the repricer to make against who you're competing against. A 0.00 will match the pricing and a -0.01 means you will undercut your competitor by one cent.
- Min Margin - the minimum profit margin you want to make on your product.
- Max Margin - the maximum profit margin you want to make on your profit.
- Compete Against - who you want the repricer to compete against. At this time, you can only compete for the buy box.
- No Competitor Strategy - what the repricer will do when there are no other sellers on that listing
Once you are finished completing all of the information you can click save to create your first custom pricing strategy.